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ISSN NO. 2456-3129
IF:0.267 (Peer-Reviewed and
Refereed Journal)


Blog Archive

VOL 3 NO. 1 MARCH 2018

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Download Sample File : 11 Experimental Investigation on the Behaviour of Strength and Durability of Concrete Using the Combination of Steel Fiber, Glass Fiber and Flyash (Sourabhlalotra, Tapeshwar Kalra). 12 Experimental Utilization of Marble Dust Powder as Partial Replacement of Cement and Fine Aggregates in Concrete (Karan Kumar Quanth, Tapeshwar Kalra). 13 To Study an… Read More »VOL 3 NO. 1 MARCH 2018

VOL 2 NO. 4 DEC. 2017

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Download Sample File :1 Thermo Mechanical Analysis of Coated Engine Valve Using Finite Element Method (Vipul Wadhwa & Ajay Kumar) 3. Analytical Aspects of Applying Permutation Method in Evaluating a Determinant (Shesraj Kumar Sharma) 4. Comparative Study of Burnout and Self-efficacy among Male and Female Doctors of Himachal Pradesh (S N Ghosh and Ishita Kaul)… Read More »VOL 2 NO. 4 DEC. 2017

VOL 2. NO 3. SEPT. 2017

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Download Sample File : 5. BELIEF OF HIMACHAL PEOPLE IN LOCAL DEITIES AND THEIR AGENTS IN HEALING AND RECONCILIATION PROCESSES FOR PROMOTING WELLBEING (Upasana Kataik, R. L. Zinta) 7. Satellites: Gravitational field of attraction and Keplerian orbit (Sushil Chandra Karna) 9. An experimental study of concrete when cement is partially replaced with marble powder and… Read More »VOL 2. NO 3. SEPT. 2017

VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH-2017

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Download Sample File :1.� Analyzing the Effect of Thermal Gradient on Free Vibration of Orthotropic Circular Plate(Subodh Kumar )