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ISSN NO. 2456-3129
IF:0.267(Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal)

VOL 2 NO. 4 DEC. 2017

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1 Thermo Mechanical Analysis of Coated Engine Valve Using Finite Element Method (Vipul Wadhwa & Ajay Kumar)

  1. Psychological Resilience among the Military Personnel of Peace and Field Areas. (Gaggan Jot Kaur & R. L. Zinta)

3. Analytical Aspects of Applying Permutation Method in Evaluating a Determinant (Shesraj Kumar Sharma)

4. Comparative Study of Burnout and Self-efficacy among Male and Female Doctors of Himachal Pradesh (S N Ghosh and Ishita Kaul)

  1. Zigbee-based Wireless Body Area Sensor Network for patient’s physiological parameter monitoring (Mr. Akash Chouksey, Dr. Soni Changlani, Prof. Saiyed Tazen Ali)
  2. Level of Happiness among Religious Communities Believing In Supernatural Elements and their Agents (Charanjeet Kaur & R.L Zint)
  3. Appraisal of Locus of Control among the Military Personnel of Peace and Field Areas (Gaggan Jot Kaur & R. L. Zint)
  4. An Exploration of the Prediction of Stock Market Movement using Sentiment Analysis Approach (Geetinder Saini & Punita)
  5. Investigation of Human Diseases with Their symptoms using Fuzzy Relations (Kamalesh Kr. Lal Karn)

10. Effect on Tensile and Flexural Properties of Coconut Fiber Reinforced With Fresh plus Recycled High-Density Polyethylene Based Natural Fiber Composites (Er. Randeep Kaur & Er. Tapeshwer Kalra)

  1. Cognitive Representations of the Supernatural Agents in Rural Population (Seema Thakur & R. L. Zinta)