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ISSN NO. 2456-3129
IF:0.267 (Peer-Reviewed and
Refereed Journal)


Blog Archive

VOL. 5 NO. 3 SEPT-2020

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Download Sample File : 1. Conflicts Reconciliation Through Deity Possession: A Traditional Form of Psychotherapy (Deepika Negi & R.L Zinta) PDF 2. Effect of Yoga on Happiness Among High and Low Mindful School Students (Sandeep Kumar & R. L. Zinta) PDF

VOL. 5 NO. 2 JUNE-2020

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Download Sample File : 1. Impact of Social Psychological Conditions on Happiness (Dr. Lalit Kumar Verma) PDF 2. Socio-Psychological Adjustment Amongst the Tribal People Believing in Local Deities (Deepika Negi & R.L Zinta) PDF

VOL 4 NO 3 SEPT-2019

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Download Sample File : 1. A Fake Neural System (ANN) is a data-handling worldview PDF (Surinder Pal Singh)

VOL 4 NO 2 JUNE-2019

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Download Sample File : 1. Diagnosis of Heart Disease using Fuzzy Logic review method PDF(Anuj Sharma, Bala Buksh)

VOL 4 NO 1 MARCH-2019

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Download Sample File : 2. Fixed point theorems in T_0-quasi-metric spaces. (Qazi Aftab Kabir,Rustam Abass,Shoket Ali, Bilal Chat) 3. Scheduled various Maps regarding Beta-Sets and Allied Groups (Priyadarshan, Amarjyot) 4. A Characterization of Fuzzy Completely Disconnected Spaces (Amarjyot, Anil Kumar) 5. An illustrative study on Employer Branding: A Review (Chameli Devi) 6. Study of the rate of vegetation conversion from one type to another (Rajesh… Read More »VOL 4 NO 1 MARCH-2019

VOL. 3 NO.4 DEC 2018

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Download Sample File : 1. Description of Cyber Crimes in Various Regions of India (Navneet Gupta, Bala Buksh) 2. Amputation of hacking feasible through biometrics in the mobile equipment (Ravi Kumar Sharma) 3. The Influence of Cricket on Young generation: A Study conducted in Bangalore City (Moinuddin Inamdar, Dr. Bapu Chougale)

VOL. 3 NO. 3 SEPT 2018

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Download Sample File : 1. Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network for Diagnosis of Chronic Disease (Anuj Sharma, Bala Buksh). 2 Prevalence of Domestic Violence among Rural and Urban Population (Garima Sen, R. L. Zinta) 3 Comparative Analysis of a Selected Physical Fitness Measures in Volleyball and Basketball (Moinuddin Inamdar, Dr. Bapu Chougale)

VOL 3 NO. 2 JUNE 2018

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Download Sample File :1. Prevalence of Campanulotes Bidentatus Compare Infesting Pigeons of Kumaun Region (Nisha Dhoundiyal, Adesh Kumar). 9. Transportation Problems: A Special case for Kalka-Based flour Mill (Mohita Devi).