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ISSN NO. 2456-3129
IF:0.267(Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal)

about us

This Journal is quarterly, peer reviewed and refereed journal. The aim of International Journal of Engineering, Pure and Applied Sciences is to publish peer reviewed research papers from the field of science engineering & technology. IJEPAS invites authors to submit original and previously unpublished work that communicates research in the field of Engineering & Technology regarding the theoretical and experimental aspects, as well as various real world applications. IJEPAS hopes that Researchers, Research Scholars, Academician, Consultancy etc. World make use of this journal publication for the development of Science and Technology.

The journal adopts double blind review process which is closely monitored by the editors. Editors undertake editorial review to assess the quality and type of submission before sending it to the review process. Manuscripts not meeting the scientific standards will not be considered for the reviewing process. Authors are expected to pay attention to the instructions for authors and also indicate the category in which they are publishing if it is not a research article. Editors will also check the readability, grammatical usage and may ask for resubmission if papers fare poorly in these parameters.
Editors request referees to advice on the scientific merit as well as the likely appeal the paper will have for broad scientometric’s readership. Editors will be in contact with the referees once paper is sent to them, with periodic reminders of their due date. Once all the reviews are in-house, the Editor handling the manuscript will most likely make a decision within a day or two. The editor will then contact the corresponding author with the decision. Reviewers invest precious time in the belief that they are making important contributions to the scientific process.
Authors can differ with the reviewer comments supported by rational explanation which will be examined by the Editor and can be sent to the said referee again. However, offensive remarks on reviewer’s comments will be subjected to the cancellation of publication
Editorial assessment is also done after the referee process is completed before finally recommending the paper for the journal or otherwise.
All efforts are done to complete the whole process within three months from submission with the first decision on an average done within 30 days to inform the status of their article.
The entire review process of the articles submitted to IJEPAS is done online and digitally. Authors must use the online submission system for submitting their manuscript. Only if they are unable to do so they should contact the editor through email.

The online, published version of an article is considered the final and complete version. Even though it is possible to correct this version, our policy (in common with other publishers) is not to do so, except in very rare circumstances.
The only typographical errors that can be corrected are: author names, affiliations, article titles, abstracts, and keywords. In such cases, an erratum or corrigendum would be necessary as well (see below) so that there is a record of the difference between the online and print versions.
We can publish a correction to your article if there is a serious error, for example with regard to scientific accuracy, or if your reputation or that of the journal would be affected. We do not publish corrections that do not affect the contribution in a material way or significantly impair the reader’s understanding of the contribution (such as a spelling mistake or a grammatical error).

Complaints are welcome as they provide an opportunity for improvement. Responses to complaints should be quick, helpful, and constructive. Please address complaints with a volume number, issue number, paper ID, paper title, and page number. Please send an email to for your complaint.
This Journal accepts the following complaints:
• Authorship complaints
• Plagiarism complaints
• Multiple, duplicate, and concurrent publications or simultaneous submissions
• Allegations of research errors and fraud
• Research standards violations
• Undisclosed conflicts of interest
• Reviewer bias or competitive/harmful acts by reviewers

This journal aims to increase visibility and make easier use of open access scientific papers. Readers and their institutions are supported for online access without asking for any royalty, personnel information, or log in process. According to open access policy of our journal, all readers are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, link and search our articles with no charge.

Information Technology and Control journal is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license.

Journal protects the rights of authors. Submitted articles are checked with duplication-checking software. If the fact of plagiarism is discovered, the Editorial Team of Journal has the right to take action including, but not limited to the immediate discontinuation of the publication process of the paper, publishing and erratum or corrigendum (correction), retracting the article, informing the dean of the author’s institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies regarding the plagiarism issue.

The copyright for the articles in this journal is retained by the author(s) with the first publication right granted to the journal. The authors agree to the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 agreement under which the paper in the Journal is licensed.

Journal is published quarterly in on-line version . New issues of the journal appears on the following months of each year: March, June, September and December.